The Barn Theatre,
25 Bluehouse Lane, Oxted, Surrey
RH8 0AA.

Tel: 01959 561811
Email: barntheatre





Theatre Info


Around the Barn



This document has been prepared by the Barn Theatre to assist you, as the hirer, in publicising your event. It also sets out the requirements of the theatre regarding publicity and will help you to provide the theatre with the appropriate publicity material in a timely fashion. It is designed to be used in conjunction with the publicity package which will be issued to you later if requested.

1. Barn Theatre, Oxted
2. Theatre logo
3. Event title
4. Inclusive dates
5. Performance times
6. Ticket prices and box office, including a phone number for ticket sales/queries

This can be accessed here (.doc, .gif, .jpg, .tif) or if requested supplied by the theatre. It can be scaled if necessary but please ensure it is of an appropriate size to be prominent. Please do not make any other changes to it.

The hirer is also responsible for originating and distributing all publicity and advertising for their event. However, the Barn Theatre can offer the following services to help publicise the event under the following conditions:

1. WHAT'S ON BROCHURE - Where complete information is received on time it will be included in the quarterly 'What's On' brochure. The theatre will be soliciting information at least two months prior to publication of the brochure (not two months prior to the event). The brochure is published in February, May, August and November and if you wish to take advantage of this service you must provide assistance with filling envelopes on the appropriate Sunday 'Stuffing' morning.

2. POSTERS - Printing of posters is the responsibility of the hirer but please ensure that all the information listed above is included. We also ask that where possible all posters and leaflets/handbills carry the same design. The quantity of posters ordered is at the discretion of the hirer, but if the guidelines set out in the publicity package issued by the theatre are followed, you can expect to distribute approximately 3000 leaflets/handbills/flyers, 70 A4 posters and 20 A3 posters. Distribution is the responsibility of the hirer, but wherever possible the theatre will display A4 posters appropriate to the event, one month prior to it, in the foyer.
Indiscriminate advertising (fly posting) is prohibited and the hirer shall be deemed responsible for such advertising. Any event advertised by fly posting within the District of Tandridge is liable to immediate Council prosecution of the hirer and loss of deposit.
There is an A-board outside Planshop on Station Road West (Mike Sutton's). One side of the board is taken up by a large version of the What's On, posted by the theatre and the other side is available to hirers. Your poster may need to share with others so please insert it in the best way possible and if there is not room for all posters, chronological order must take precedence.

3. LEAFLETS/HANDBILLS/FLYERS - When possible the theatre will display leaflets supplied by the hirer, in the foyer one month prior to the event. It may also be possible to include (approx. 1900) A5 size leaflets in the quarterly Barn Theatre News mailout, subject to weight limit and timing. It you wish to take advantage of this service you must provide assistance with filling envelopes on the appropriate Sunday 'Stuffing' morning.

4. FOYER/BAR DISPLAYS - The theatre will endeavour to make available to the hirer the centre foyer notice board for the display of photographs etc. during the event. Please do not put up or remove posters or other advertising from the other boards or remove leaflets from their holders as the theatre has an obligation to other hirers to advertise their events.

5. ADVERTISING - The hirer is responsible for placing any editorial and advertising in newspapers or magazines. Inclusion in the diary listings in Parish and other magazines will be sought by the theatre where possible.

6. BARN THEATRE NEWS – Subject to space limitations, the theatre will publish an article (supplied by yourself) advertising your production in the quarterly Barn Theatre News. You will be informed of the latest copy date for this article. The service is free.

7. eNEWS - If you wish to include any society/hirer specific item taking place in the following month, (or for which there is a specific need for earlier advertising), please e-mail Carolyn Rowley on by 15th of the preceding month. Any item should be no longer than 100 words and may include a small image if required.

8. ANSWERPHONE SERVICE - During the run up to the event the theatre will include details in its answering service where possible.

9. WEB SITES - If the complete information is supplied in a timely fashion, details of your production can be placed on the Barn Theatre web site. Where possible the theatre will post appropriate details of your production on various events websites and the Barn Facebook page.

For further information please do not hesitate to contact the Publicity Director, Carolyn Rowley on