The Barn Theatre,
25 Bluehouse Lane, Oxted, Surrey
RH8 0AA.

Tel: 01959 561811
Email: barntheatre



Technical information

Stage Plan
Stage Lighting
Sound Operation

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Theatre Info


Around the Barn



Stage Plan Click on this link to download an Adobe Acrobat file.

Stage Lighting Click on this link to download an Adobe Acrobat file of the standard lighting rig.

1. Introduction.

Hirers must provide their own competent and experienced operator/technician(s)/assistant(s). Unauthorised use of the stage lighting installation is expressly forbidden and no person considered to have insufficient experience will be permitted to operate any equipment or make modifications or additions to the equipment installed. Any Hirer wishing to use the installation must make enquiries of the Company for advice in advance. The appropriate keys must be collected by arrangement with the office or via the Lighting Director ( only and are not transferrable under any circumstances unless permission is given by the Lighting Director.

Only authorised personnel are allowed in the lighting box. Details of your lighting designer/operator and any assistants must be supplied to the Lighting Director ( for approval at least four weeks before your booking commences. At the appropriate time they will then be given a walk-round/overview to ensure they are aware of all the requirements. The senior approved lighting technician must be on site at all times the lighting equipment is in use. Trainees must be approved by the Lighting Director before their involvement in any production is confirmed.

All requirements regarding safe use of ladders and stepladders and lone working must be adhered to.

A plan of the standard layout is located in the lighting box or can be downloaded from this web site.

Proposed lighting plans must be approved by the Lighting Director before any additional equipment is hired or brought to the theatre. No additional wiring of any kind, temporary lights or other equipment is to be used without obtaining the approval of the Lighting Director. Any such equipment will be required to have an up to date PAT label or have been certified as safe by an appropriate Trustee/Director. The Theatre reserves the right to carry out its own test.

Hirers wishing to use the facility of the two follow spots located on the gallery MUST provide operators.

At the conclusion of the period of hire, the lighting installation MUST be restored in accordance with the standard layout with designated lanterns re-positioned, re-plugged to the correct channel, re-set, re-focussed and fitted with the appropriate gel. All other equipment must be tidied away to the correct storage location. Please note that whilst we try to ensure everything is as it should be at the commencement of each hiring, this is not always possible. In these cases it is your responsibility to ensure all the requirements in these guidelines are fulfilled. Please e-mail detailing any lamp replacements and any particular incidents or equipment faults.

Lighting equipment must not be removed from the theatre without the express permission of the Lighting Director (

2. Lighting Designer/Operators Duties.

The Lighting Designer/Operator is responsible for the operation of the entire theatre stage lighting system and the senior approved lighting technician must be on site at all times the lighting equipment is in use.

In addition to this, the Lighting Operator is required to assist in any emergency evacuation as detailed in the Terms and Conditions.

3 System Description and Instructions.

The Theatre is equipped with 48 10A dimmer circuits distributed via 15A socket outlets. The installation is controlled from a Zero 88 Leapfrog 48 desk. The desk is powered via an Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) which should be switched off when the desk is powered down. The maximum of 63 amps per electrical phase must not be exceeded at any time.

The lighting desk must be securely padlocked to an immovable object at all times. During the set-up and rehearsal period it may be moved to the auditorium but to avoid possible theft or damage must not be left there unattended for long periods of time or overnight. No sticky tape is to be affixed to the lighting desk.

Lighting bars are located above and to the side of the auditorium, in fixed positions and over the stage, including one PWB, which may be repositioned to a limited extent if required. A cyclorama 3 circuit batten is installed upstage together with 6 Miltec 2 battens and a further 4 circuit batten is positioned mid-stage.

In addition to those designated on the standard layout, a wide range of luminaires are available for Hirers to use as they require. Spare lamps are provided. Safety chains/bonds are provided for all lanterns and these must be used at all times. Colour frames are stored separately and a wide range of cut gels are freely available for use provided that these are filed correctly after use. New gels may be cut from the rolls available but the Theatre cannot be responsible for providing alternative colours or sizes. It is the Hirer's responsibility to obtain the appropriate materials. Please ensure that all gels are numbered and filed correctly on completion of a production. The LED Parcans lighting the auditorium aisles are fixed and must not be moved to another position.The LED Parcan side-lights may be moved minimally but must not be moved from the 'bay' in which they are sited.

Other lighting effects available include LV track mounted mini-spots, UV fittings, strobe, mirror ball and music responsive disco lanterns. Two 2kw follow spots are installed in the gallery.

A range of 15A extension cables is available. Releasable ties are also available and must be used to support cables tidily and safely on the rigging and elsewhere. These ties should not be cut. Cables must be coiled and tied neatly bef
ore returning to store; any damage must be reported and faulty cables set aside. Under no circumstances may plugs or sockets be removed from cables. Any sticky tape used to identify cables must be removed at the conclusion of the period of hire.

Independent Approved Lighting Technicians

Carolyn Rowley
(Lighting Director) 01883 744810
Phil McKerracher 0208 773 4294



Sound Operation

1. Introduction.

Hirers must provide a competent Sound Operator for the duration of their production who must be approved by the Sound Director/Trustee.

The sound installation in the theatre is based around the Behringer x32 32 channel sound mixer, a Mac Mini Computer and a number of amplifiers and is run from the sound box at the front right hand side (facing the stage) of the gallery. The system has been designed to cater for differing requirements of users of the theatre, providing basic background music and public address announcements, show music/effects (fx) and full show reinforcement.

The Theatre has a loop amplifier system which is entirely self-contained, picking up via microphones over the proscenium, and available for use by patrons with hearing aids, this system must be switched on for ALL public performances, regardless of whether there is any other use of the sound installation.

2. On Arrival/At Departure.

The system is powered up by firstly making sure switch #5 is on in the Stage Manager’s cupboard, then turning on the key switch in the sound box, then turning on the amp rack sited in the lighting box (4 switched sockets above the amp rack). In normal operation, individual items of equipment are not turned off, with the exception of the Mac Mini which must be shut down before powering off, so should all power up when the plug sockets are on. The key will be made available to competent sound operators and must be returned at the end of the hiring.

At the end of the evening / session the system should be powered down in the reverse sequence, i.e., amplifiers rack first, then the sound box.

3 System Descriptions.

The system is controlled by the 32-channel mixer and can be broken down into separate sub systems, as described below -

a) Public Address / Background Music. (for information only - there is no need to adjust this system which is controlled by the Front of House team)

The background music system is based around a Talisman 1001 amplifier serving 100 Volt line loudspeakers placed in the auditorium and foyer areas. The bar speaker system is served by its own amplifier situated in the control room adjacent to the stage, fed via an aux send from the main sound desk. Switches allow the auditorium and foyer to be addressed independently or together. There is a microphone in the sound box, routed through the mixer (see below) into the Talisman and bar amp. Background music can also be routed through this mixer into the P.A. system. The background system is not designed to provide high levels of sound and should not be used to provide stage FX or music. This system also plays out the recorded pre show/interval announcements, these are operated from the foyer by the Front of House team.

b) Show FX / Music.

Playback computer. The Theatre is equipped with a Mac Mini running Qlab 5, running through an external 8 channel Gigaport sound card inserted via the patch bay to channels 24 - 32. Users will be able to load their pre-built show into the Mac via a usb memory stick and also to build their own shows on site, using Qlab and Audacity. Shows should be saved to an external usb memory stick rather than internally in the Mac. The Mac is connected to the internet for access to audio resources. To access the Mac a password is required which will be given to Authorised Users. Hirers must contact the theatre’s Sound Director, Mike Sutton on the email / phone number given below who will authorise competent operators and can provide guidance and training.

The Behringer x32 32 channel Mixer controls the various sources via faders, which are labelled accordingly and feeds three pairs of loudspeakers in the auditorium and one pair on stage at high level.
It is possible to connect other playback devices / laptop computers etc. directly into the mixer via 1/4” mono jacks (normally left and right) using the patch bay which bypasses the Mac Mini and provides access to channels 24 - 32 by inserting ¼” jacks. Operators would need to ensure that they have the necessary leads to link the mixer to their own equipment.

There is a “legacy” system, This system consists of a CD player with aux usb input, and a Mini Disc player / recorder. These can be routed through the mixer as described above on channels 24 - 32.

Details regarding P.R.S. returns are given in the hirer's pack given out by the Theatre Management.

c) Reinforcement System.

The system is primarily for use in musical presentations to enable the voices of performers to be heard over the orchestra.

There are 12 Sennheiser radio microphones (tie clip type) which can be hired for use, plus one handheld mic. freely available in the theatre, by arrangement with the Barn Theatre Management. Mics. are assigned as follows: - Ch. 1-5, float Mics. Ch. 6-18 radio Mics. The usual configuration is noted on the illuminated “scribble strip” on the mixer. The mic transmitters are stored in a small flight case, usually kept in the lighting box under the operator’s platform. Each transmitter has a lavalier mic and a material pouch for performers. (Do not forget to turn on the individual transmitter packs! These require batteries which are the responsibility of the hirer). The mixer is equipped with eq., aux. sends and pan control, etc. two reverb channels.

After use, please return all transmitters to the case, with the mic neatly coiled and tie wrapped, batteries removed, and mic tape residue cleaned off.

There are 5 float microphones available which can be placed across the front of the stage on stands. These are patched into the stage boxes, on the proscenium columns either side of the stage. These microphones should only be placed once all construction etc. on the stage is completed to avoid dust and mechanical damage. There are also three Shure SM58 vocal microphones which can be hand held or used on stands as required.

Radio Mic Frequencies (MHz) as of 05/07/2021
1.   607.375       EW G4 /lavalier
2.   606.500
3.   608.000
4.   614.500
5.   611.400
6.   620.025
7.   608.875
8.   608.425
9.   800.800       EW G3 / lavalier
10. 786.000
11. 790.000
12. 796.000
13. 606.000       EW G3 / handheld

These frequencies must not be changed.

Before the show liaise with the Front of House Manager.

Theatre time is taken to be the radio controlled clock at the Stage Manager’s position, please make sure you are synchronised with this. Every effort should be made to ensure that the show goes up promptly; it is essential that you liaise with Front of House and with your Stage Manager on this point

In the event of a fire or other emergency liaison with Front of House staff and the Stage Manager will assist in evacuation, The Sound Operator should ensure that the balcony is empty before making his/her way to the assembly point.

Important Note: -
There is an overall sound level limit set by Tandridge District Council within the auditorium, to be measured at the centre of the hall, of 110 Decibels ("A" scale). This level must not be exceeded AT ANY TIME during rehearsals or public performances. The continuance of the theatre's licence depends on this, and it is the responsibility of the Sound Operator to ensure that this level is not exceeded. A sound level meter is available for checking sound levels, by arrangement with the Sound Director or any member of the Theatre Management. The Management reserves the right to demand that the levels be turned down at any time and if levels are exceeded despite warning, to pull the plug! YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED.

If you require more information, have any problems or equipment does not operate correctly, please speak to the Duty Manager or call MIke Sutton the Sound Director/Trustee

Independent Approved Sound Technicians

Mike Sutton
(Sound Director)
Qlab/Behringer operator 07971401807
John Chinnock 01883 743402
Ralph Heijmer
Qlab/Behringer operator 07968 956921


Cloth No. Size Side 1 Side 2
2 12'6" x 22' Snow covered house (Xmas) New York 1890 (Street scene)
3 15' x 20' Baker St (15' wide) Village green (Panto, full width) (view 2)
6 12' x 20' Pine forest/rocky path (Brigadoon) (view 2) Folkestone seafront (amateurish)
30 12' x 22' Desert/palm trees (Panto) Into the wood
31 12' x 22' Ugly sisters bedroom (Panto) Spooky cave interior (Panto)
32 12' x 22' Carribean beach, palm trees (Panto) dddd
33 12' x 22' London docks (Oliver, incomplete) Yonkers N.Y. 1890 (Gypsy) (view 2)
34 12' x 22' Posh restaurant interior Mississippi River with boat
35 12' x 22' Oklahoma, woodlands Dress shop interior
36 12' x 22' US rail depot 1930 (Gypsy) Bali Hai (South Pacific)
(view 2)
37 12' x 22' Distant castle on mountain (Panto, spooky) Portsmouth Harbour 1830
38 dddd Classic Greek courtyard with distant views ddd
39 ddd

Old Peking (Panto)
(view 2)

40 ddd Chinese garden with bridge (Panto) (view 2) ddd
41 dd London scene (Janie Harris) dd
42 dd Houses of Parliament (Iolanthe) (view 2) dd
43 dd Magic pool (Iolanthe) (view 2 & 3) dd
44 dd French street scene (unfinished) dd
45 dd London's East End Grand interior staircase
46 dd Forest tea party dd
47 dd Black & white classical country scene (Pimpernel) (view 2) dd
48 dd Grey mottled cloth (Pimpernel) Garage interior (Sweet Charity)
49 dd Central Park. N.Y. (Sweet Charity) dd
50 dd Cornish cove & St. Michael's Mount (Pirates of Penzance) (view 2) dd
51 New Xmas Cloth
52 Exterior of La Scala Opera House
53 Cornish ruin
54 Highgate Hill
55 Up in the trees
56 Cinderella fireplace (2 halves, velcroed)
57 London skyline circa 1870
58 Trouville Plage 1900
59 Bois de Boulogne 1900
60 English walled garden with views beyond
61 School corridor with lockers Grand house with conservatory
62 Terrace Sound of Music
63 Cloisters Sound of Music
64 Snow covered mountains Sound of Music
65 Yorkshire Dales Calendar Girls