of the need or otherwise for sound reinforcement in a production, a
sound technician is required for all dress and public performances to
co-ordinate and operate public announcements.
is your responsibility to ensure that each responsible person within
your organisation is made aware of the location of or is provided with
appropriate extracts of these Terms & Conditions prior to arrival
at the theatre for commencement of a hiring.
& General Information
for Others: The Hirer is responsible for the actions of all
their own employees, helpers and/or members.
& Payments: All theatre and Little Barn bookings (for
whatever purpose) must be made and confirmed with the Company Office,
15a High Street, Westerham, Kent, TN16 1RA, telephone 01959 561811.
The letting agreement
must be completed and signed by or on behalf of the Hirer at least 16
weeks before the Theatre is required. No booking is confirmed until
the requested deposit has been received. Hirers
cancelling a booking less than 26 weeks before the date booked will
lose the deposit and be charged full rate rental for the period of the
proposed hire.
The Company
reserves the right at all times to refuse or rescind any booking which
is considered to be unsuitable for the Theatre for any reason whatsoever.
The Company reserves
the right to refuse entry to any person at any time.
When a matinee and
evening, or two shows are proposed on the same day then the hirer is
required to ensure that there is a space of at least 90 minutes between
the finish of one and the start of the other.
The auditorium should
be safe, clean and tidy and able to be opened to the audience at least
30 minutes prior to curtain up.
On the first Sunday
of each month the bar area of the theatre is used for 'Sunday Club'
and the use of this area is excluded from any booking for the period
from 11.45am until 2.15pm. On the first Sunday in January, February,
May, August and November this restriction is extended from 9.30am until
of Charges 2025 These are revised annually or as necessary and
without notice. Estimates for specific hirings will be given upon request.
Hirers are given the opportunity of a familiarisation meeting at the
Theatre prior to a booking and enquiries should be made of the Company
Office concerning the arrangements.
Keys to
the Theatre, Little Barn and scenery studio are held by the Company
Office and are issued for the period of hire only. Arrangements for
their collection must be made with the Company Office (Monday - Friday,
9.30am - 1.00pm) prior to commencement of the booking and they must
be returned immediately such a period of hire has ended. Failure
to return keys promptly will involve the Hirer in additional charges.
The roller
security shutter inside the front doors must be raised at all times
anyone is in the theatre.
Standards: Whenever there is a public performance in progress,
persons working or officiating front of house are required to wear formal
dress or alternatively, representative costume relating to the particular
show. For gentlemen this means "black bow tie" and for
ladies formal attire, preferably in black and white.
and officiating Barn Theatre technicians and Trustee Directors generally
wear sweatshirts or shirts with the Barn logo or identification badges.
Duty Manager: Each hiring is allocated at least one Duty
Manager who is available to give advice and deal with any questions
from the Hirer, particularly during public performances. If, in the
view of the Duty Manager, the Hirer is not complying with the conditions
set down by the theatre they have the ultimate authority to terminate
the hire and close the premises.
Nominated Representative: Each hirer
specifies on the letting agreement a person nominated by them to deal
with all matters relating to use of the Theatre who is called the Nominated
Representative. This form must be printed out
and displayed in the foyer whilst the public are on site. Responsibilities
of the Nominated Representative are set out later but it is anticipated
that the Duty Manager and Nominated Representative work closely together
during the period of a hiring. To ensure the hiring runs smoothly, the
Nominated Representative must be available whilst the public are on
site and as much as possible at other times.
Duties of the Nominated Representative: It is the duty of
the "Nominated Representative" (NR) to ensure that the Hirer
is complying with the conditions of the booking form, Theatre Licence
and Terms and Conditions, all of which are set out within this document.
The NR must be available whilst the public are on site and as much as
possible at other times.
The NR is
responsible for the security of the theatre and the safety of the occupants.
Some duties may be delegated to others by agreement with the NR and
the Duty Manager using this form BUT final
responsibility stays with the NR whose name appears on the appropriate
booking form.
The principle
requirements are as detailed below but please acquaint yourself with
the contents of this entire document.
1. Ensure
that all fire exits are completely clear of obstruction, particularly
when an orchestra is in residence.
2. Ensure
that all exit signs are illuminated whenever there is an audience,
private or public.
3. Ensure
that there are no loose tables, chairs, or other items in the aisles
or foyer. Under no circumstances are free standing display boards allowed
to be erected in any part of the theatre to which the audience have
4. Ensure
that there is no smoking in any part of the theatre premises, front
and rear lobbies, lighting box, scenery studio and Little Barn included.
5. Ensure
that no alcohol, whether supplied by the Company or brought into the
theatre, is consumed on stage, in the wings, in the dressing rooms or
backstage at any time prior to or during a performance.
6. Ensure
all bar staff have been personally approved by the Premises Manager
(Bruce Reed) to serve alcohol.
7. Ensure
the forecourt is kept clear of all obstructions and vehicles to permit
access for emergency vehicles.
8. Ensure
all stage and scenery materials are fireproofed. Inspections will be
made including flame tests.
9. Ensure
that naked lights and pyrotechnics
are only allowed if suitable extinguishing and other fire-fighting equipment
is immediately to hand.
10. Ensure
all additional electrical equipment to be used in the theatre during
a production displays a PAT label or has been
certified safe for use by Martin Lloyd or appropriate Trustee/Director.
Please contact Martin Lloyd (martinlloyd6@hotmail.co.uk)
if you wish any electrical items to be PAT tested prior to bringing
them to the theatre.
11. Ensure
that the maximum noise level output is not exceeded
12. Ensure
that the boilers, power and lights are turned off and that all doors
and windows are securely closed at the conclusion of each session.
13. Ensure
that vehicles are parked in the car park in an orderly fashion controlled
by an attendant AND THAT THERE IS NO UNDUE DELAY in the vehicles being
able to leave the premises after a production.
14. Ensure
that the entire theatre has been cleaned and tidied prior to being handed
back to the Duty Manager at the end of your hiring.
All Hirers are required to have Employers and Public Liability Cover
with a reputable insurance company for at least £2,000,000 and
the appropriate certificate should be displayed in the foyer for the
duration of any hiring.
The Company
accepts no responsibility for bodily injury, fatal or non-fatal to persons
or for loss or damage to any property of the Hirer whilst on the Company's
premises, however caused and whether due to the negligence of the Company's
servants/agents or not.
The Hirer is responsible for all matters relating to box office and
to the sale of tickets and the Company cannot be involved in any negotiations
with regard to these matters particularly rebates, discounts or cancellations.
Hirers are
required to use the Barn Theatre Ticketsource facility (www.barntheatreoxted.co.uk),
the online booking service used by the theatre for any production open
to the general public.
Published ticket
prices must be fully inclusive of the booking fee charged by Ticketsource,
which is variable according to the price of a ticket and numbers purchased.
The theatre (barntheatre@btinternet.com)
will give advice as to these fees if asked by a hirer who is unsure what
to charge.
The theatre
has recently added the capability of buying tickets on the door for
shows (current and future) via credit or debit card. All transactions
via this system will incur a 1.75% service charge which will reduce
the income for the organisation running the event. This in no way affects
the normal Ticketsource method of purchasing tickets.
Recommendation: Babies and toddlers are not generally admitted
to theatres. As a GENERAL guideline an age of 4+ is recommended for
pantomimes and some musicals. Children must be able to sit, unaided,
in their own seat and be attentive to the performance so as not to distract
other members of the audience. All children must have their own allocated
All children under
the age of 13 must be accompanied by a responsible adult. No responsibility
is accepted by the Barn Theatre or volunteers for unaccompanied minors
(13 - 18 years).
Admittance to the
auditorium is at the discretion of the theatre management.
The official seating capacity of the theatre is 246, divided between
the ground floor (195 + 2 wheelchair spaces) and the balcony (49). Seating
plans may be obtained from the Company Office or downloaded from
this web site. The inclusion of wheelchair spaces varies this.
Seats may
not be moved from their fixed positions except with the express permission
of the Duty Manager and they must not be removed from the auditorium
or lifted onto the stage.
Seat covers
should be left in position until as late as possible before a production
and replaced immediately after the final performance and before any
scenery is dismantled. However the Duty Manager should be consulted
in case there is another production following shortly and then, by arrangement,
the seats may be left uncovered.
for wheelchairs is by prior arrangement only and at the discretion of
the Front of House Manager(ess) and/or Duty Manager. Entry for wheelchairs
is preferably through the side door from the car park. Wheelchairs are
only permitted in the designated spaces.
wheelchair must have an attendant provided. This can be a delegated
attendant provided by the Hirer if insufficient are provided by the
patron, but Hirers are reminded that they are expected to enforce this
requirement rigidly.
It should be
made clear to those responsible for the sale of tickets that there are
two wheelchair spaces in the front row (seating plan A or B) of the
auditorium, on the right facing the stage.
In either
seating plan, these wheelchair spaces are numbered 11 and 12 of the
front row. Attendants may sit in the seats in the row behind or in the
same row to the side provided they have a valid ticket for that seat.
any wheelchair user not require to be seated in the wheelchair during
a performance and can be seated in a standard seat in the auditorium,
the wheelchair must be removed from the auditorium.
If, at
the time of the commencement of a performance, the wheelchair spaces
are not sold, alternative seating may be provided to a maximum of four
seats and tickets sold to optimise sales. This will be at the discretion
of the Front of House Manager(ess) and/or Duty Manager in consultation.
Hirers are responsible for their own publicity and the theatre is
not obliged to assist in any way. A helpful publicity package is
available (by request from publicity@barntheatreoxted.co.uk),
which contains details of all suggested sites for handbill and poster
distribution, together with addresses and contact numbers for local
magazines and newspapers. Hirers are reminded that staples must not
be used on Parish notice boards and that it is their responsibility
to remove all posters and publicity from the environs immediately following
the end of any production.
All publicity
relating to productions at the theatre must be approved by the theatre
prior to use and must display, prominently on the front, the Barn Theatre
title and logo, (which can be accessed here (.png)
or if requested supplied by the Company), together with the dates and
times of performances and ticket booking site www.barntheatreoxted.co.uk.
Other advice is available by speaking with Carolyn Rowley via the office.
Indiscriminate advertising
(fly posting) is prohibited and the hirer shall be deemed responsible
for such advertising. Any event advertised by fly posting within the
District of Tandridge is liable to immediate Council prosecution of
the hirer and loss of deposit.
The theatre will
endeavour to make available to the hirer the centre foyer notice board
for the display of photographs etc. during the event. Please do not
put up or remove posters or other advertising from any of the other
boards or remove leaflets from their holders as the theatre has an obligation
to other hirers to advertise their events.
Phones: The use of mobile phones is prohibited inside the
theatre premises during any public performance. Hirers are expected
to enforce this requirement rigidly and offenders may be asked to leave
the premises by the Duty Manager.
Photographs & Official Video Recording:
The use of videos, cameras, mobile phones or any other item used for
photographic purposes is prohibited in the theatre during any public
performance. Hirers are expected to enforce this requirement rigidly
and offenders may be asked to leave the premises by the Duty Manager.
that the appropriate licence has been obtained, space can occasionally
be made available by special arrangement for camera, tripod and associated
equipment to be positioned at the back of the downstairs auditorium
as long as all seats in the immediate vicinity of the camera are cancelled
and sufficient notice is given. It is not permissible from any other
position. The videoing of any copyright material without the appropriate
licence is unlawful. Should you wish to have your performance videoed,
our preferred video company is
Surrey Video Services (paul@surreyvideoservices.com).
and Drink: Only drinks in containers provided by the theatre
are allowed in the auditorium. Other glasses, cups, saucers or plates
are not permitted. Hot food may only be consumed backstage except by
prior arrangement with the Theatre Management.
Cooking is
not allowed anywhere in the theatre and no uncooked food including meat,
fish rice, pulses, eggs, fruit and vegetables are to be stored or prepared
anywhere on the premises. In order to prevent rodent infestation, any
food or drink left on the premises must be in sealed containers.
A total No Smoking policy (including electronic cigarettes) applies
to the entire premises including the scenery studio and the Little Barn.
Hirers are expected to enforce this requirement rigidly and anybody
caught smoking on the premises may be asked to leave and not return.
Under the terms of The Health Act 2006, the theatre is a "smoke-free"
building. However, where the artistic integrity of a performance makes
it appropriate for someone taking part in that performance to smoke,
smoking can be allowed. Should this be the case, this notice
should be prominently displayed in the foyer during all performances.
Cinematographic performances may be given in the theatre only by special
arrangement with the Company.
Draws: Hirers may hold raffles / prize draws at their performances
in order to raise funds either for themselves or a designated charity
on the proviso that:
- notification is given to the Front of House Manager in advance by
emailing fobs.chairman@barntheatreoxted.co.uk
- the hirer provides their own prizes, raffle tickets, float and/or
card payment device
- the hirer provides their own personnel to sell, fold and draw the
winning tickets
- the Barn's front of house volunteers will not be required to assist
in the running of the raffle
- prizes that include any form of alcohol (even including liqueur chocolates)
may not be awarded to persons under the age of 18
- it is understood that the Barn Theatre accepts no responsibility for
the loss or damage of any prizes on display
The Theatre is licensed for public music, stage plays, singing and dancing
and shall not be open for this purpose before noon or after midnight.
The Theatre
has the benefit of a licence by the Performing Rights Society (PRS)
and PPL which permits the performance of musical compositions, the copyright
in which is administered by the PRS, during performances in the Theatre.
Hirers therefore have no need to apply for a PRS licence themselves.
Liquor Licence: The Company reserves
the right to supply and sell intoxicating and all other liquor, including
soft drinks under the terms of licences obtained by the Company. The
Premises Licence held for the theatre by the Company is subject to conditions
which allow the sale of alcohol to anyone involved with a production
and audience members between the hours of 10 a.m. and 11 p.m. Monday
to Saturday and 12 noon and 10.30 p.m. on Sundays. The general law relating
to the sale of alcohol, especially the prohibition of sales to or for
persons under 18, will be enforced rigorously and any person in breach
of such law will be required to leave the premises.
The Premises
Manager (Bruce Reed) is permitted to grant an extension of the bar hours
until midnight on Monday to Saturday but this approval must be applied
for on an individual basis in advance. It is not an automatic right
and extensions may not be granted or may be the subject of conditions.
No alcohol,
whether supplied by the Company or brought into the theatre may be consumed
on stage, in the wings, in the dressing rooms or backstage at any time
prior to or during a performance.
It is illegal
for any person to serve alcohol from the bar unless they have been personally
approved by the Premises Manager.
The Company
will use its best endeavours to ensure that sufficient volunteers are
available to authorise and make sales from the theatre bar on the occasion
of every performance. However, Hirers must recognise that the theatre
is run by volunteers and that no-one can be compelled to assist in the
running of the bar. It is therefore possible, although unlikely, that
if the necessary personnel are not available, the Duty Manager may need
to require either that the bar is not opened at all or is opened only
for the sale of non-alcoholic drinks and closes early.
The Duty
Manager may determine an early closure for any reason at any time.
No intoxicating
or other liquor may be supplied or sold on the premises other than by
the Company.
no circumstances whatsoever may a Hirer serve a "Temporary Event Notice"
in respect of any part of the theatre premises.
to the Theatre Premises & Ancillary Buildings: Hirers
are responsible for any damage to the Theatre or to its equipment and
for the security of the building. No notices, posters or other form
of advertising are to be stuck by any means to any part of the Theatre
(excl. appropriate notice boards and backstage mirrors (with blu tack)).
There are
notice boards for the use of Hirers in both main dressing rooms and
the foyer.
of Premises After a Rehearsal or Public Performance: The
Nominated Representative is responsible for security of the premises
during the period of hire and should check that doors and windows have
been closed and locked where appropriate and the roller security shutter
is down before leaving. From experience it is known that occupants will
often open dressing room windows and forget to close them. All internal
doors should be closed each time the premises is vacated.
Lighting After a Rehearsal or Public Performance: The Nominated
Representative is responsible for ensuring that prior to turning off
the switches 1 - 7 in the Stage Manager's box when leaving the theatre,
the auditorium lights are left in 'Workers' mode (button 7 on Anyscene)
and the gallery 'Workers' are illuminated. Ensuring they are left in
this state means the auditorium will be lit when next in use.
Housekeeping: Hirers are required
to take reasonable steps to ensure that the premises are kept free from
foreseeable hazards. To achieve this requirement, all access and egress
routes must be kept clear of obstructions. This includes ensuring fire
exits and access routes are kept clear, cables do not trail across pedestrian
routes and that spillages/obstacles are quickly removed. In addition,
safety provisions such as fire doors, should not be propped open nor
fire extinguishers obstructed.
The backstage
toilets must not be used for any purpose other than that for which they
were designed.
Under no
circumstances are free standing display boards allowed to be erected
in any part of the theatre to which the audience have access.
The kitchen should be kept clean and tidy at all times and should not
be used for activities such as scenery/props building or painting of
any kind.
Cooking is
not allowed anywhere in the theatre and no uncooked food including meat,
fish rice, pulses, eggs, fruit and vegetables are to be stored or prepared
anywhere on the premises. In order to prevent rodent infestation, any
food or drink left on the premises must be in sealed containers.
It should be remembered that the theatre is run by volunteer staff
and whilst we endeavour to arrange for the theatre to be cleaned between
performances during the period of any hire, this is sometimes not possible.
Unfortunately, when this happens the hirer may be asked to deal with
cleaning the theatre between shows.
requirements apply to cleaning the premises upon completion of a hiring
and these are dealt with later.
Conclusion of Each Hiring Period:
No extra items are to be left in the Theatre, Little Barn or scenery
studio after a show unless by agreement with the Duty Manager. Those
items retained will be available for use by all Hirers.
The stage is to be cleared, washed and redressed with tabs and legs
under the direction of the Duty Manager.
The entire
premises including auditorium, toilets, foyer, bar, understage area,
scenery studio, lighting box and sound desk are to be left tidy and
clean with work surfaces clear and polished, floors vacuumed and mirrors
to be washed, dried and put away in the correct cupboards.
All consumables
must be removed from the fridge, freezer and microwave with the interior
of each cleaned.
Any breakages are
to be reported to the Duty Manager.
All clearing
away must be completed either by midnight on the last day of the hiring
or 1.00 p.m. if it is on a Sunday and only if confirmed arrangements
have been made for the use of the Theatre on that morning.
Buckets: During periods when the theatre is raising money
for any improvement project, there will be a retirement collection made
with red buckets for the benefit of the theatre.
The theatre
can provide "bucketeers" but would appreciate the hirer assisting
where possible. There will be an announcement regarding these colllections
at the end of the interval which should be made by the Sound Operator.
These buckets which are clearly marked, are only for use by the theatre
for this purpose, no other.
Policy: The Theatre
has a Safety Policy which is updated regularly, a copy of which is available
in the foyer for reference at any time. Hirers are required to comply
with the requirements of this policy in its entirety. A Risk Assessment
for activities that require greater than ordinary care must be completed
for every show and be available immediately on request by the Duty Manager
or any Barn Trustee. The appropriate Director, Duty Manager or Theatre
Manager MUST be notified of any safety issues or potential safety issues
immediately or as soon as is reasonably possible.
The Hirer must read
and comply with all requirements in the document Firearms
and Weapons in Productions
Particular attention is drawn to two specific requirements:
1) The Hirer must identify a "Nominated Person" who will be
responsible for the transport, storage, maintenance and use of all weapons.
2) A Registration Form (Appendix B of the Firearms
and Weapons in Productions document) must be completed as instructed
before the first rehearsal in which a firearm or weapon is to
be used. Only then will the Hirer be provided with the gun safe key
for the Nominated Person who must retain posession at all times.
Safety: All persons working on theatre premises must:
Keep all
working areas clean and tidy.
Keep walkways and exits clear.
Behave in a manner that is conducive to safety.
Walk everywhere; running at any time is strictly forbidden.
Observe and obey the signs and notices that are displayed
within the theatre.
Ensure that they are suitably clothed and that loose
clothing, long hair, ties, jewellery etc. do not constitute a hazard.
Follow safe operating procedures and comply with relevant
risk assessment requirements.
Take all precautions to avoid damage to cables, flexes,
hoses and piping.
Report any defects, malfunctions and/or incidents
to the Duty Manager or a Theatre Trustee/Director.
Ensure all flammable liquids are stored away correctly.
Ensure all electrical appliances are unplugged at
Design and Performance: It is the responsibility of the Stage
Manager to ensure that the set design is safe. Safe set construction
is the responsibility of the Set Builder and must always be carried
out in a safe manner. During construction the Set Builder/Designer must
re-design or re-build scenery to a standard considered safe for operation
by the Stage Manager if necessary.
The set must be
left safe for rehearsal purposes and at the first appropriate rehearsal
the Stage Manager must explain the mechanics of the set to the Cast
and Stage Crew paying particular attention to complex scenery and scene
changing arrangements. At the beginning of every performance the Stage
Manager must ensure that the set is safe.
All flown scenery,
stage lanterns, and loudspeakers, must be installed with the correct
fixings, plus a secondary fail-safe device, i.e. rope, chain and fixed
Use of Hazardous Equipment and Substances: Use of weapons, naked
flames, strobe lighting, smoke machines, hazers, lasers, fluid under
pressure and pyrotechnics must be in accordance with the requirements
set out by the theatre.
at Heights: The following rules and procedures apply:
Any specialist work such as roof and ceiling maintenance will be sub-contracted
to appropriate companies.
Particular care must be taken when hanging, changing and focusing stage
lanterns and auditorium lights. These tasks must be undertaken following
the guidelines below.
The correct step ladders or ladders must be used depending
on the height and nature of the task.
Only one person must work on a ladder at any one time
which must also be "footed".
The ladder must be positioned correctly to prevent
over-reaching or sliding.
Extended ladders must overlap by a minimum of 3 rungs.
The angle of the ladder should be 4 units up to each
unit out from the base.
Ladders in excess of 6 metres must be tied or fixed
Working: The following rules and procedures apply:
Lone working on gas and electrical appliances or any other hazardous
equipment or materials/substances is not permitted.
Any specialist work such as electrical or gas maintenance and installation
will be sub-contracted to appropriate companies.
All sub-contractors and visitors will be informed of our lone working
and working at heights policies.
Some illnesses prevent lone working and anyone with such conditions
should not work alone.
Any person working alone must follow the following guidelines:
The must have access to a mobile phone at all times.
They must notify someone they are working alone, how
long the work is expected to take and inform them when the work is complete.
The notified person should telephone to check with
the lone worker if the telephone call confirming the work is completed
is not made within the expected timescale.
- Young and/or Vulnerable Performers: When any production
includes young people and/or vulnerable adults, the Hirer MUST
comply with the requirements of the:
CHILDREN AND YOUNG PERSONS ACT 1963 (as amended) and
and to such other conditions as the Local Authority or Licensing Authority
may impose under the said regulations.
When any production
includes young people and/or vulnerable adults, the Hirer/Responsible
Adult/Supervisor (as appropriate) has a duty of care, and is responsible
for, those people in their care. The Hirer MUST ensure that
they have a Safeguarding Policy in place to protect these vulnerable
persons and that they are free from harm. Guidance can be sought from
The Hirer MUST
obtain necessary licences, keep robust records and ensure sufficient
qualified and licensed Chaperones are available for the entire
period of hiring whilst young performers and/or vulnerable adult performers
are on the premises. The Hirer must be prepared to be inspected by Surrey
County Council Child Employment Team at any time during a hiring.
When any production
includes young people and/or vulnerable adults, hirers are strongly
recommended to ensure ALL personnel helping in any way have a current
DBS Check which can be applied for at https://crbdirect.org.uk/
Chaperones are responsible
for the behaviour of all young people and/or vulnerable adults
at all times whilst on the premises. This includes front of house,
backstage, the Little Barn and in any part of the grounds.
Young persons learning
theatre skills: In accordance with the law, those young people and/or
vulnerable adults who are not actually performing on stage, are
exempt from the child protection regulations that apply to performers.
However, if such persons are helping or learning skills in the art of
theatre, e.g. stage crew, lighting, sound or working front of house,
they should be under the supervision of the Stage Manager, Front of
House Manager, etc. (or other delegated responsible person) at all times.
At times other than when they are actually involved with the production
(e.g. pre-show, interval and after show) these helpers/technicians must
be under the control and careful supervision of a chaperone who must
ensure the behaviour of all young people and/or vulnerable adults
at all times whilst on the premises. This includes front of house,
backstage, the Little Barn and in any part of the grounds.
Following the recommendation
of the Local Authority, we advise hirers to take steps to limit the
use of electronic recording devices (phones, tablets, etc.) in any part
of the theatre, especially by children. In particular we strongly recommend
that the taking and sharing of photos of children on social media sites,
by either children themselves or those adults supervising them is refrained
from at all times.
If the Hirer does
not have a Safeguarding Policy, a suggested wording for such a Policy
provided by the National Operatic & Dramatic Association (NODA),
is available below which the Hirer should adopt. The Hirer is responsible
for ensuring that their Safeguarding Policy is adequately enforced.
Further guidance
for the hirer can also be found in the following NODA factsheets:
Authority Requirements: By order of the Licensing Authority
the following notice must appear in any programme produced by Hirers:-
obstruction whether permanent or temporary should be allowed in any
exit doors, exit ways whether corridors or staircases, external passageways,
gangways, foyers, lobbies or entrance halls. Persons seeking admission
shall not be allowed to form queues which obstruct such exit doors".
Police officers,
fire officers, members of the Surrey County Council Safeguarding team
and authorised persons of the Licensing Authority shall be allowed access
at all times to the premises.
Please note
that fire officer visits are likely to include flame tests on scenery,
fabrics and the like in use upon the stage.
rails are to be fitted within the marked out area in front of the stage
whenever there are musicians present. For piano use only, no orchestra
rails are required. However, where the front row of seats has been removed
in order for the orchestra area to be enlarged, the final position must
be agreed with the Duty Manager. Under no circumstances will the Hirer
be allowed to reduce to below three feet in width the passageway across
the front of the auditorium with the seats in position.
Any outbreak
of fire however slight must be reported to the Theatre Manager who will
inform the Licensing Authority immediately.
The noise
level of any music including electronically amplified music should not
exceed 90 decibels (scale A) when expressed as an 8 hour Laeq and/or
a peak sound pressure of 200 pascals (140 decibels) at the centre of
the auditorium. A sound meter is available in the sound box for checking
noise levels and the Nominated Representative must ensure that the maximum
output is not exceeded.
music or a public address system is in use, the doors and windows of
the auditorium must be kept shut in order to minimise disturbance to
local residents.
the Theatre: The Company will generally provide the Hirer
with a key to the back door of the Theatre.
on the Lights: At the rear of the theatre at the entrance
to the corridor leading to the stage, on the left hand side, is an illuminated
switch which when pressed provides sufficient light to illuminate the
access route up onto the stage and into the Stage Manager's box where
all main switches are located. These lights will only stay illuminated
for two to three minutes and there is a similar switch inside the Stage
Manager's box to enable egress once all lights have been turned out
at the conclusion of a session.
Once inside
the Stage Manager's box switch no. 1 is the all important main switch
for house lights and power but all numbered switches (1 - 7)
should be turned on or off. Do not touch switches without any numbering
The stage
manager's panel directly adjacent to the entrance of the Stage Manager's
box and above the curtain winder only operates when switch no. 1 is
turned on. This panel contains the main controls for the auditorium
lights where alternatives are available, bulkhead lights (including
prompt master control), exit lights and others which are all identified.
General power and that for stage circuits and lighting is available
throughout the Theatre at all times.
Heating and Air Conditioning: The switch to operate the boilers
is located at high level in the kitchen. There is an automatic time
switch controller for the boilers and this can be specially programmed
to operate automatically by arrangement.
There is
an automatic froststat which comes into operation during the winter
and a thermostat in the auditorium.
When the weather is very cold it is often necessary to turn the heating
on in the afternoon of an evening performance. Generally 4.30 p.m. is
about right with 5.30 p.m. being too late!
The door
curtain heater in the foyer is independent of the boilers and should
be switched on and off as required. There is a switch on the beam to
the right hand side of the heater looking outwards and three switches
on the unit itself.
Use of the
air conditioning to the foyer, bar and auditorium is at the sole discretion
of the Duty Manager who will determine levels and usage. These controls
shall only be operated by the Duty Manager.
Parking: The Hirer MUST use the theatre car park for all
public performances, supervising the arrival and departure of
all patrons, cast and crew and directing them to park appropriately.
No vehicles except emergency vehicles or those used by the First Aiders
are permitted to park on the forecourt of the Theatre when the public
is in the building, including during dress rehearsals.
At least
three car park attendants must be provided whenever there is an
audience and cars in the front car park should be parked in the traditional
fore and aft positions. The car park should not be considered full until
vehicles are parked all around the Theatre including up the access lane
to the side of the Theatre. The attendants must arrive at whatever time
the Theatre is opened, be it for performers or audience and at least
one hour before each performance. They must wear the reflective vests
available from FOH at all times when directing traffic. Patrons should
be given priority in the main car park, with cast and helpers parking
in the rear car park or away from the theatre.
It is
often necessary to liaise with the sound technician to assist with moving
vehicles at the end of performances.
Car park
signs should be placed in position AT LEAST TWO hours before a performance
Oxted School
are allowed to use the car park during term time until 5.00 p.m. If
the car park is required for an all day or early booking, please contact
the Company Office who will arrange for the cars to be removed early.
A week's notice is required.
Systems: There is a British Telecom payphone located in the
foyer, telephone number 01883 713669. Please report any problems with
this to the Duty Manager as a matter of urgency.
Emergency Lights: These operate
automatically whenever the power fails.
Aid: First Aid kits are located in the kitchen, foyer and
bar store but their content is restricted due to Health & Safety at
Work regulations. Hirers are recommended to provide their own comprehensive
First Aid kit during the period of hire.
The Company request
volunteer first aiders to attend public performances and Company seating
plans allow for their presence. They are not allowed to sit on stools
or chairs in the aisle and neither must they be allowed to stand at
the back of the Theatre. The allocated seats must not be sold to
Fire Safety &
Emergency Evacuation Procedure
At each performance, the Front of House
Manager must brief any new members of the Front of House Team regarding
Fire Safety and Emergency Evacuation using the briefing
document provided.
The door
in the rear of the auditorium (bar side) is not a fire exit and must
be kept locked during a performance except for the time when it is being
used as a theatrical entrance/exit.
Alarm: With
the exception of the rear dressing room, this is a silent system using
flashing lights instead of bells.
The system works
automatically via smoke alarms in various locations or by break glass
units located adjacent to the exit doors.
Extinguishers: A full complement of fire-fighting equipment
is provided around the Theatre premises and Hirers should check that
all the equipment is in the correct position as indicated on the plans
in the Stage Manager's box and by the stage door, before every public
Assembly Point:
Oxted School
staff, crew and cast should be strongly encouraged to go to the assembly
Audience are permitted to go home if they wish but not if they need
to remove a car from Theatre premises.
Discovering a Fire:
source and cause of suspected fire.
to extinguish any small fire using the equipment provided but do not
take any unnecessary risks.
If it is impossible or unsafe to extinguish the fire, promptly activate
the alarm if the automatic system has not operated.
Unless you have specific Emergency Evacuation responsibilities leave
the premises.
Dial 999 and notify the emergency services.
If it is a
false alarm or the fire has been extinguished there is no need to activate
the alarm, notify the emergency services or evacuate the premises.
Any false alarm or successful extinguishing of a fire must be reported
to the Company Office or Duty Manager immediately.
When the Alarm Has Been Activated: Immediately leave the
premises and assemble at the Fire Assembly Point.
Evacuate the building even if the alarm stops.
Do not collect personal belongings.
Do not run, remain calm and bring others with you as you leave the premises.
Do not re-enter the building until instructed to do so by the Duty Manager.
No one is permitted to remove their car from the car park until instructed
to do so by the Duty Manager.
Evacuation Procedure - Theatre Staff Duties
Action When the Alarm Has Been Activated:
- Put on
high-visibility jacket (kept in foyer).
- Assume
responsibilities as "Fire Coordinator".
- Ensure
that the Emergency Services have been informed.
- Liaise
with the Front of House Manager, Stage Manager and the Lighting and
Sound Operators. This should be done using the wireless radio/Techpro
- Ensure
that all occupants evacuate the premises in a calm manner, marshalling
in the Oxted School forecourt.
- Ensure
that no attempt is made to remove any cars from the car park.
- Ensure
that the space designated for Emergency Vehicles in front of the Theatre
remains clear for the arrival of emergency services.
- Remain
at the Theatre and liaise with the emergency services upon their arrival
and until they depart.
When the Alarm Has Been Activated:
- Put on
high-visibility jacket.
- Liaise
with the Duty Manager, Front of House Manager and the Lighting and
Sound Operators. This should be done using the wireless radio/Techpro
- Ensure
that the main tab Curtains are closed and bring up the auditorium
and working lights.
- Ensure
that all occupants evacuate the stage, dressing rooms, kitchen and
Little Barn in a calm manner, marshalling in the Oxted School forecourt.
- Notify
the Duty Manager of completed evacuation of area of responsibility
and then proceed to Oxted School forecourt.
When the Alarm Has Been Activated:
- Put on
high-visibility jacket.
- Liaise
with the Duty Manager, Front of House Manager, Stage Manager and the
Sound Operator. This should be done using the wireless radio/Techpro
- Ensure
that all occupants evacuate the balcony in a calm manner, marshalling
in the Oxted School forecourt.
- Notify
the Duty Manager of completed evacuation of area of responsibility
and then proceed to the Oxted School forecourt.
When the Alarm Has Been Activated:
- Put on
high-visibility jacket.
- Liaise
with the Duty Manager, Front of House Manager, Stage Manager and the
Lighting Operator. This should be done using the wireless radio/Techpro
- Broadcast
to the entire Theatre premises that an emergency evacuation is required
using the CD provided or by announcing -.
Ladies and Gentlemen, it is necessary for us to evacuate
the Theatre. Would you please leave the building in a calm manner
via the emergency exits and follow the instructions of the Theatre
staff. Please congregate in the forecourt of the Oxted School next
door. No one should attempt to remove their car from the car park
or Bluehouse Lane as this may hinder the arrival of the emergency
- Notify
the Duty Manager of completed evacuation for area of responsibility
and then proceed to the Oxted School forecourt.
of House Manager
When the Alarm Has Been Activated:
- Put on
high-visibility jacket.
- Liaise
with the Duty Manager, Stage Manager and the Lighting and Sound Operators.
This should be done using the wireless radio/Techpro network.
- Assist
the Duty Manager in evacuating the Theatre and guiding people to Oxted
School forecourt. Pay particular attention to the auditorium, foyer,
bar, bar store, bar cupboard, toilets, accessible toilet, car park
and area in front of the Theatre.
- Ensure
the two Auditorium Ushers assist with the evacuation of the downstairs
auditorium, paying particular attention to wheelchair users, the elderly
or infirm.
- Notify
the Duty Manager of completed evacuation for area of responsibility
and then proceed to the Oxted School forecourt.
When the Alarm Has Been Activated:
- Responsibility
is only for the downstairs auditorium.
- Put on
high-visibility jacket.
- Ensure
all occupants evacuate the auditorium, paying particular attention
to wheelchair users, the elderly or infirm, marshalling in Oxted School
- Notify
the Duty Manager of completed evacuation for area of responsibility
and then proceed to the Oxted School forecourt.
- Assist
with re-entry to the Theatre when instructed to do so.
in Case of an Incident Other than Fire: This depends entirely
on the situation and hirers should make their own decision in conjunction
with the Duty Manager and call the emergency services where necessary.
in Case of Power Failure: The occupants can only be allowed
to remain in the Theatre for half an hour with the emergency lights
on. After this time they should be asked to leave by the Front of House
Manager in consultation with the Nominated Representative and Duty Manager.
If power
is restored and then lost again, the occupants may have left and returned
to the Theatre, but on no account are they to be allowed to remain in
or return to the building after the emergency lights have been on for
an hour continuously or for a combination of short periods totalling
one hour.
Barn: The main use of this building is as a nursery school
on weekday mornings during school terms. Evening and weekend hirers
should remember they have a responsibility to leave it as they find
it and not to allow their members or whoever to play with the toys!!
The floor should be swept and the rubbish bin emptied after each session.
The grass
area outside the front door is a designated children's play area and
dogs are not permitted. The company will authorise, upon request, the
use of this area for other purposes such as BBQ,s etc. subject to stringent
requirements. Any unauthorised use will not be permitted to continue.
If the toilets
are used please ensure everything is clean and tidy when you leave.
Studio: Contents of the scenery studio and understage are
available to all hirers by prior arrangement at a cost indicated on
the current scale of charges. No additional items are to be left after
a show unless by agreement. Those items retained will be available for
use by all hirers. Canvas covered flats must not be cut or mutilated
in any way. They may be painted using traditional stage paint only
and used with fittings such as hooks and eyes or hinges etc. All fittings
must be removed before restacking and any damage reported to the Duty
Manager. Such damage will be charged to the hirer.
of Equipment Owned by the Company: There is a range of equipment
owned by the Company (step ladders, work tables, etc), mostly stored
in the Studio, which is available for use by Hirers to assist with set
building, scenery changing and so forth. The Company will always attempt
to ensure that this equipment is kept in good condition but it is the
responsibility of each Hirer, before using any such equipment, to ensure
that it is safe to use. Hirers use this equipment at their own risk.
The theatre has
2x two-way radios which are stored in the lighting box. Should you require
further sets please contact Malcolm Le Croissette on malcolmlecroissette@yahoo.com
at least two weeks prior to the commencement of your hiring and he may
be able to provide additional sets. Replacement cost will be charged
for any damage to or loss of these radios or associated equipment.
Nothing from understage is to be cut or altered, but may be painted.
A PDF plan of the stage is available here.
Work in the theatre is restricted to prevent the production and spread
of dust and dirt. Power saws are not permitted in the theatre and should
only be used outside or in the studio. Construction work for sets which
cannot be avoided in the theatre is to be restricted to work on the
stage. Items are not to be stored beneath the stage or on the shelves
in the dressing rooms or in the studio without prior permission. Curtains
in the central lobby at the rear of theatre may be used for scenery
or props but are not to be cut or mutilated in any way. No scenery or
props should be placed upon the seating at any time.
The cyclorama
should be treated with care, do not nail, staple or screw scenery to
it and avoid standing ladders or scenery against it. Please do not mark
it, paint it or paint against it.
In the
event that the cyclorama is badly marked or mistreated during a production,
the Hirer will be required either to repair and repaint at their own
expense or to pay for the work to be completed by others.
Cloths are available for hire but must not be washed, altered, painted
or retouched in any way.
Set Dressing, Costumes and other Flammable Items: Fireproofing
of all scenery, properties and backcloths is obligatory. Care should
be taken that the requirements in this document
are adhered to.
1. Introduction - Hirers must
provide a competent Sound Operator for the duration of their production
who must be approved by the Sound Director/Trustee.
The sound installation in the theatre is based around the Behringer
x32 32 channel sound mixer, a Mac Mini Computer and a number of amplifiers
and is run from the sound box at the front right hand side (facing the
stage) of the gallery. The system has been designed to cater for differing
requirements of users of the theatre, providing basic background music
and public address announcements, show music/effects (fx) and full show
The Theatre has a loop amplifier system which is entirely self-contained,
picking up via microphones over the proscenium, and available for use
by patrons with hearing aids, this system must be switched on for ALL
public performances, regardless of whether there is any other use of
the sound installation.
2. On Arrival/At Departure - The system is powered up by firstly making
sure switch #5 is on in the Stage Manager’s cupboard, then turning on
the key switch in the sound box, then turning on the amp rack sited
in the lighting box (4 switched sockets above the amp rack). In normal
operation, individual items of equipment are not turned off, with the
exception of the Mac Mini which must be shut down before powering off,
so should all power up when the plug sockets are on. The key will be
made available to competent sound operators and must be returned at
the end of the hiring.
At the end of the evening / session the system should be powered down
in the reverse sequence, i.e., amplifiers rack first, then the sound
3. System Descriptions - The system is controlled by the 32-channel
mixer and can be broken down into separate sub systems, as described
below -
a) Public Address/Background Music. (for information only - there is
no need to adjust this system which is controlled by the Front of House
The background music system is based around a Talisman 1001 amplifier
serving 100 Volt line loudspeakers placed in the auditorium and foyer
areas. The bar speaker system is served by its own amplifier situated
in the control room adjacent to the stage, fed via an aux send from
the main sound desk. Switches allow the auditorium and foyer to be addressed
independently or together. There is a microphone in the sound box, routed
through the mixer (see below) into the Talisman and bar amp. Background
music can also be routed through this mixer into the P.A. system. The
background system is not designed to provide high levels of sound and
should not be used to provide stage FX or music. This system also plays
out the recorded pre show/interval announcements, these are operated
from the foyer by the Front of House team.
b) Show FX / Music.
Playback computer. The Theatre is equipped with a Mac Mini running Qlab
5, running through an external 8 channel Gigaport sound card inserted
via the patch bay to channels 24 - 32. Users will be able to load their
pre-built show into the Mac via a usb memory stick and also to build
their own shows on site, using Qlab and Audacity. Shows should be saved
to an external usb memory stick rather than internally in the Mac. The
Mac is connected to the internet for access to audio resources. To access
the Mac a password is required which will be given to Authorised Users.
Hirers must contact the theatre’s Sound Director, Mike Sutton on the
email / phone number given below who will authorise competent operators
and can provide guidance and training.
The Behringer x32 32 channel Mixer controls the various sources via
faders, which are labelled accordingly and feeds three pairs of loudspeakers
in the auditorium and one pair on stage at high level.
It is possible to connect other playback devices / laptop computers
etc. directly into the mixer via 1/4” mono jacks (normally left and
right) using the patch bay which bypasses the Mac Mini and provides
access to channels 24 - 32 by inserting ¼” jacks. Operators would need
to ensure that they have the necessary leads to link the mixer to their
own equipment.
There is a “legacy” system, This system consists of a CD player with
aux usb input, and a Mini Disc player / recorder. These can be routed
through the mixer as described above on channels 24 - 32.
Note: - Details
regarding P.R.S. returns are given in the hirer's pack given out by
the Theatre Management.
c) Reinforcement System. The system is primarily for use in musical
presentations to enable the voices of performers to be heard over the
There are 12 Sennheiser radio microphones (tie clip type) which can
be hired for use, plus one handheld mic. freely available in the theatre,
by arrangement with the Barn Theatre Management. Mics. are assigned
as follows: - Ch. 1-5, float Mics. Ch. 6-18 radio Mics. The usual configuration
is noted on the illuminated “scribble strip” on the mixer. The mic transmitters
are stored in a small flight case, usually kept in the lighting box
under the operator’s platform. Each transmitter has a lavalier mic and
a material pouch for performers. (Do not forget to turn on the individual
transmitter packs! These require batteries which are the responsibility
of the hirer). The mixer is equipped with eq., aux. sends and pan control,
etc. two reverb channels.
After use, please return all transmitters to the case, with the mic
neatly coiled and tie wrapped, batteries removed, and mic tape residue
cleaned off.
There are 5 float microphones available which can be placed across the
front of the stage on stands. These are patched into the stage boxes,
on the proscenium columns either side of the stage. These microphones
should only be placed once all construction etc. on the stage is completed
to avoid dust and mechanical damage. There are also three Shure SM58
vocal microphones which can be hand held or used on stands as required.
Radio Mic Frequencies
(MHz) as of 05/07/2021
G4 /lavalier
6 620.025
7 608.875
9 800.800
G3 / lavalier
606.000 EW
G3 / handheld
These frequencies must not be changed.
Before the show
liaise with the Front of House Manager.
Theatre time is
taken to be the radio controlled clock at the Stage Manager’s position,
please make sure you are synchronised with this. Every effort should
be made to ensure that the show goes up promptly; it is essential that
you liaise with Front of House and with your Stage Manager on this point
the event of a fire or other emergency liaison with Front
of House staff and the Stage Manager will assist in evacuation, The
Sound Operator should ensure that the balcony is empty before making
his/her way to the assembly point.
- There is an overall sound level limit set by Tandridge District Council
within the auditorium, to be measured at the centre of the hall, of
110 Decibels ("A" scale). This level must not be exceeded AT ANY TIME
during rehearsals or public performances. The continuance of the theatre's
licence depends on this, and it is the responsibility of the Sound Operator
to ensure that this level is not exceeded. A sound level meter is available
for checking sound levels, by arrangement with the Sound Director or
any member of the Theatre Management. The Management reserves the right
to demand that the levels be turned down at any time and if levels are
exceeded despite warning, to pull the plug! YOU
If you require more
information, have any problems or equipment does not operate correctly,
please speak to the Duty Manager or call MIke Sutton the Sound
Address System
Serving the auditorium, foyer and public toilets. This is entirely independent
of the main sound equipment and can be operated from bar store, sound
box or by special arrangement from backstage.
With microphones located on stage and controlled by an amplifier in
the Stage Manager's box this system serves all locations with the exception
of the auditorium, foyer, toilets and bar. There is a switch in the
Stage Manager's box to turn on the circuit to the Little Barn.
Stage Net
This is a professional standard Techpro communication system
between the Stage Manager and all technical outposts.
Aid Loop
A hearing aid loop is installed within the ground floor of the auditorium.
Circuit Television
A system is installed to enable monitoring of productions.
Lighting: Hirers must provide their own competent and experienced
operator/technician(s)/assistant(s). Unauthorised use of the stage lighting
installation is expressly forbidden and no person considered to have
insufficient experience will be permitted to operate any equipment or
make modifications or additions to the equipment installed. Any Hirer
wishing to use the installation must make enquiries of the Company for
advice in advance. The appropriate keys must be collected by arrangement
with the office or via the Lighting
Director (lights@barntheatreoxted.co.uk)
only and are not transferrable under any circumstances unless permission
is given by the Lighting Director.
Only authorised
personnel are allowed in the lighting box. Details of your lighting
designer/operator and any assistants must be supplied to the Lighting
Director (lights@barntheatreoxted.co.uk)
for approval at least four weeks before your booking commences. At the
appropriate time during these four weeks they will then be given a walk-round/overview
to ensure they are aware of all the requirements. The
senior approved lighting technician must be on site at all times the
lighting equipment is in use. Trainees must be approved by the Lighting
Director before their involvement in any production is confirmed.
All requirements
regarding safe use of ladders and stepladders and lone working must
be adhered to.
A plan
of the standard layout is located in the lighting box or can be downloaded
from this web site.
lighting plans must be approved by the Lighting Director before any
additional equipment is hired or brought to the theatre. No additional
wiring of any kind, temporary or moving lights or other equipment is
to be used without obtaining the approval of the Lighting Director.
Any such equipment will be required to have an up to date PAT
label or have been certified as safe by an appropriate Trustee/Director.
The Theatre reserves the right to carry out its own test.
Hirers wishing
to use the facility of the two follow spots located on the gallery MUST
provide operators.
The Theatre
is equipped with 48 10A dimmer circuits distributed via 15A socket outlets.
The installation is controlled from a Zero 88 Leapfrog 48 desk. The
desk is powered via an Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) which should
be switched off when the desk is powered down. The maximum of 63 amps
per electrical phase must not be exceeded at any time.
The lighting
desk must be securely padlocked to an immovable object at all times.
During the set-up and rehearsal period it may be moved to the auditorium
but to avoid possible theft or damage must not be left there unattended
for long periods of time or overnight. No sticky tape is to be affixed
to the lighting desk.
In addition to those designated on the standard layout, a wide range
of luminaires are available for Hirers to use as they require. Spare
lamps are provided. Safety chains/bonds are provided for all lanterns
and these must be used at all times. Colour frames are stored separately
and a wide range of cut gels are freely available for use provided that
these are filed correctly after use. New gels may be cut from the rolls
available but the Theatre cannot be responsible for providing alternative
colours or sizes. It is the Hirer's responsibility to obtain the appropriate
materials. Please ensure that all gels are numbered and filed correctly
on completion of a production. The LED Parcans lighting the auditorium
aisles are fixed and must not be moved to another position.The LED Parcan
side-lights may be moved minimally but must not be moved from the 'bay'
in which they are sited.
A range of 15A extension cables is available. Releasable ties are also
available and must be used to support cables tidily and safely on the
rigging and elsewhere. These ties should not be cut. Cables must be
coiled and tied neatly before returning to store; any damage must be
reported and faulty cables set aside. Under no circumstances may plugs
or sockets be removed from cables. Any sticky tape used to identify
cables must be removed at the conclusion of the period of hire.
At the conclusion
of the period of hire, the lighting installation MUST be restored in
accordance with the standard layout with designated lanterns re-positioned,
re-plugged to the correct channel, re-set, re-focussed and fitted with
the appropriate gel. All other equipment must be tidied away to the
correct storage location. Please note that whilst we try to ensure everything
is as it should be at the commencement of each hiring, this is not always
possible. In these cases it is your responsibility to ensure all the
requirements in these guidelines are fulfilled. Please e-mail lights@barntheatreoxted.co.uk
detailing any lamp replacements and any particular incidents or equipment
equipment must not be removed from the theatre without the express permission
of the Lighting
Director (lights@barntheatreoxted.co.uk)
Ancillary Equipment
For Hire: There are various pieces
of technical equipment available for hire as follows:
Ice Machine and ice storage box
Small Smoke Machine
*Pyrotechnic basic firing kit
14 Radio Microphones (no batteries provided)
Mirror Ball 16 Diameter
3 pairs of Disco Lights which must be left plugged in at all times
Strobe Lighting
UV Lighting
Stagedeck/Apron (Steeldeck) (not including installation)
Equipment for Hire on Behalf of Others (No warranty given or implied
by the Barn Theatre)
Music Stands
and Lights (broken
lamps are the responsibility of the hirer and if not replaced will be
charged for)
Smoke Hazer
Low Fog Machine
(Hirer to provide own ice)
* For use
with trained and competent operators only. A Risk Assessment must be
completed by the Hirer
Hirers must
provide their own batteries/consumables and ensure that their insurance
cover is adequate.
If any of the above
items are used, it is incumbent on the hirer to inform the theatre prior
to the completion of their booking.
Duty Manager is always on duty to assist and advise whenever an audience
is present in the theatre. On any matters relating to the above notes
or indeed the use or occupation of the theatre, the decision of the
Duty Manager is final.